Archive for January 3, 2009

Say what you mean……Mean what you say……

Posted in stories on January 3, 2009 by il0veu

Is it just YOU or all guys are the same? We’re gonna be 2 years this 14 Feb but i guess i don’t really know you that well.

When i first know you, other than a friend, you were not like this. You were there all time for me when i need you. Furthermore at that time my best friend have to leave for France and i was under stress with my family. That what attracted me towards you more than the other guys who wants me to be theirs at that time too.

People around me too say that i am doing the right thing when i’m close to you. You keep to your words and that whats i love the most. But i guess as time goes by people do change. I know i do. We are not able to talk things out anymore, everytime we try, there will be a fight. As days goes by we have more differences than similarities. I miss the old you but i know i will never get it back. =(

What’s the meaning of this relationship if we don’t spent time together right? But your answer will be that now is not the right time to do all. Then, can i ask you back when is the right time? Your time is so pack and none of them are time for me. If it’s school days, monday to friday, we’ll be schooling. Then, your weekends you’ll be working. So, in the end no time together. Some may say after school you guys can go out. But where can we go if thats the time for you to be with your friends. Then people can say, school holidays you guys can go out and spent time together as school days you guys don’t. HAHAHA!!! School holidays are ending this SUNDAY but we NEVER went out anywhere together at all!

All the promises are just left as words. =)

You never mean on the things you say anymore. I know you just say it so that i feel better and will not create any problems between us. How many times have you say something and never do it? I have lost count on the number of time already.

I know that every now and then i pressure you up with things that you say are not important. I just can’t help but to think that this relationship is as important as the other things in our life. I know that i somehow became a burden to you. And i realise how selfish i have been all this time.

If it’s better that i’m out of your life, i will do it just to see you happy and succeed in your life.
